Taking into consideration the economic situation in the country, the Organizing Committee decided to make it free for the representatives of all interested parties; registration is mandatory.
Topics of the forum:
The forum program includes presentations by representatives of public authorities, leading experts from Ukraine, EU, USA, and international financial institutions, and organizations of the UN system.
A detailed program of events of the forum will be developed and published on September 1, 2014.
Registration for the forum is open from July 14 and will run until September 15, 2014 online at www.greenmind.com.ua in the "Register" section.
Given the urgency of the stated topics of the forum, the Organizing Committee informs that the number of participants is limited, so registration can be finished earlier.
The Organizing Committee is grateful to all the partners and sponsors of the forum, whose help made it possible for all interested parties to participate in its activities.