The World Ecolabel Day was proclaimed by the United Nations last year to pay more attention to eco-labeled products and services. It is a type I eco-label, the principles and methods of which are defined in the international standard ISO 14024.

Ukraine used a creative approach and devoted one of Green Drinks Kyiv to this day.

A friendly workshop was held at Urban Space restaurant that brought together the business representatives, experts, environmentalists, bloggers and journalists. Presenter – Андрій Хрутьба.

The entrance to the venue was decorated with special "eco" parking and other interesting photo zones.

The participants were treated to delicious snacks and drinks.

Everyone was able to learn about the principles, methods and benefits of type I eco-labeling, the example of the presented Ukrainian program (Green Crane) and other successful regional and national programs.

A Global Ecolabelling NetworkLearn more what “eco-product” means booklet translated into Ukrainian and a video on Eco-labeling and Sustainable Development Goals were presented at the event.

The representatives of organic producers told about their practices, policies and environmentally certified products of their own production.

Between the presentations, quizzes were held to remember the material better. The winners received the prizes. There were lots of positive emotions!

The event ended with a photo session and a delicious cake.

The goal of the event - more information and more confidence in eco-labeling - was achieved!

"The main advantage of type I eco-labeling is that the products are assessed by many criteria and clearly defined indicators. The criteria base covers all stages of the life cycle. Criteria and metrics do not override state standards, but supplement them or set stricter indicators, focusing on more progressive, resource-efficient, cleaner and low-waste technologies. It is this approach that ensures the integrity of the assessment and provides a clear answer to the question - is this product environmentally friendly or not."

Svitlana Berzina, President of the NGO Living Planet and co-founder of GREEN MIND

"A separate standard is developed for each category of goods or services, setting the environmental criteria and indicators. The drafting of the normative document is carried out by the working groups established under the National Technical Committee for standardization TC 82 "Environmental protection" in accordance with the Law. The TC members are developing the standard - experts, technologists, ecologists who research the best available technologies and the criterion base of other type I eco-labeling programs. The Ukrainian criteria base is mainly harmonized with the European…"

Halyna Buzan, responsible secretary of TC 82 Environmental protection

"The Ukrainian Eco-labeling Body has confirmed its competence at the national level through the accreditation and has international recognition. This ensures the recognition of the results of our assessment at both the national and global levels. Our licensees, having documented evidence of environmental competitive advantages, successfully sell their products in the Ukrainian markets and export it to more than 20 countries…"

Svitlana Perminova, Director of the Center for Environmental Certification and Labeling

"DeLaMark is a Ukrainian manufacturer of environmental household chemicals, which is the first in Ukraine to receive an international certificate in accordance with ISO 14024 for the entire product line. We continue to show the leadership in the field of environmental initiatives. In particular, in an effort to comply with the Zero Waste concept, we have implemented a successful Return Empty Packing program. We believe that only honest business can be successful. Our products have been awarded by Ukrainian and international quality competitions. But the best difference is the commitment of satisfied customers, whose number is growing…"

Olexiy Verenikin, CEO of LLC DeLamark

"The ecologically certified wooden children's furniture and toys of TM Goydalka are manufactured at the production facilities located in the foothills of the Carpathians of Ivano-Frankivsk region. For its production the raw materials are harvested in the Carpathian forest, namely beech, originating from forestry, certified under the FSC scheme FM / COC. Wood is treated with linseed oil, eco-friendly water-based paints and is fastened with PVA glue. None of the treatment materials contain preservatives, toxic substances and preparations, including pesticides of the 1st and 2nd class of danger. Non-waste technologies have been introduced at the production facilities. Wood wastes are used to make small wooden toys (cubes and constructors) and as fuel for drying wood and heating the premises of the enterprise…"

Tetyana Pitsura, General Manager of Customer Service at the LLC Goydalka

"We are constantly working on improving the formulations. TM Siltek paints have almost no odor, have a very low VOC content (0.5 - 2%), do not contain lead, cadmium, highly toxic compounds. We are working on the optimization of technological processes, provide heat recovery and recycling of production waste by 100%. Our latest innovations, reusable "silo containers" make it possible to provide products for industrial use without packaging. We do not stop there…"

Kateryna Lobyntseva, Project Manager at LLC Terminal-M (TM Siltek), which is a part of LLC Kovalska Industrial and Construction Group

"The Aeroc Company has undergone the environmental certification of AEROC (D300, D400 and D500) the aerated concrete range. The results of the assessment confirmed that AEROC products do not contain shale ash and toxic substances (plasticizers, fillers). The finished products have reduced radioactivity (6 times lower than the national standards), and the improved performance such as durability, reliability, thermal conductivity, moisture resistance. The technology makes it possible to obtain five cubic meters of building material from one cubic meter of solid starting materials. The production process does not require much energy. The material hardens under the influence of steam at a temperature of only 180 ° C. The Waste steam reuse ensures the return of energy and water to the production cycle. The production wastes are recycled into granules. Production does not have sewage…"

Natalia Diuzhylova, Ph.D., Deputy Commercial Director for Marketing, LLC Aeroc

"Using eco-bags in everyday life is a manifestation of a caring attitude towards the environment. But the real eco-bag is made of environmentally-certified fabric, without treatment by toxic substances and heavy metals. This bag has the appropriate certification and is a worthy alternative to plastic and paper bags. It is eco-friendly, comfortable and durable, has a long service life and does not take up much space…"

Serhiy Mishchenko, Head of Marketing, LLC Textile Contact